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About >  Sponsors >  Become a Sponsor

On behalf of the youth we serve, we invite you to sponsor our community’s Spring, Fall, and Winter sport seasons.

North Marion Youth Athletics provides fields, gyms, uniforms, equipment, umpires, referees, insurance and leagues, as well as various clinics and trainings.


All of our programs are managed by a volunteer board of directors. Each sport has a volunteer coordinator, volunteer coaches, and many parents who volunteer their time. NMYA does not have any paid employees.


NMYA's goal is to provide a safe sports program for every youth in our community. To help our families from having to choose from everyday provisions and their children’s sport activities, we offer a scholarship program.


Your gift to NMYA strongly supports our goals of providing a great program to the children of our community and instilling life lessons of friendship and teamwork, while keeping it affordable for all.


A special thank you to all who have sponsored in the past and those who continue to be an NMYA sponsor. The children and families of the North Marion Community greatly benefit from your generosity.


Thank you for partnering with us to provide a much-needed program to our community. We hope that you choose to sponsor North Marion Youth Athletics.  No donation is too small.


Please contact any NMYA Board Member for more information.     

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